Leela Surampudi Leela Surampudi Written by Leela Surampudi
on 08 Oct 2020

Digital innovation continues to be a disruptive force across many industries today. Organizations that can adapt and embrace digital as a part of their DNA stand to gain the agility required to remain competitive and meet customer needs through products and services.

There was a time when Fortune 500 companies took 20 years to reach a billion-dollar valuation. Today, digital start-ups get there in four. Technology is indeed a multiplier, and the combined impact of mobile, cloud, AI, ML, sensors, and analytics has accelerated progress exponentially.

Driving digital transformation for customers

Over the past 16 years of my tenure at Cyient, I have witnessed a progressive evolution in the company. With humble beginnings as an engineering services provider delivering GIS solutions, today, we leverage digital technologies and advanced analytics to offer a range of services as a Design-Build-Maintain partner for global companies across industries. As we advance, I would like to see Cyient as a one-stop-shop for providing “digital engineering solutions” to our customers. Our journey was replete with many inspiring moments and the dedication of skilled Cyientists—many of whom are women who endeavored to make a positive difference in the world and shape sustainable development for the future.

Over the past few years at Cyient, we have gained rich experience while demonstrating our additive manufacturing and iDMS capabilities in the design category. We further provided connected factory solutions in the operations and maintenance area and field operations applications in the optimization segment. It is a matter of enormous pride that we made our mark in the digital space with our own Microsoft-certified IoT Edge Gateway.

As an associate who is part of the digital transformation elicited by the organization, I feel we must continue to focus on our goal of moving from services and solutions to smart solutions and products. Some of our offerings, such as iDMS or SmartHub by the Utilities business unit, can be made more robust and ready for go-to-market. This will enable cross-utilization in our other business groups.

Meanwhile, it is interesting to see that we have already started working toward a lift and shift of service offerings between various business groups. For example, we have power transmission and distribution in the Utilities group and design of power plants in the Energy group that allow us to cross leverage our capabilities around predictive maintenance or connected equipment while serving these sectors. In enabling success with digital technologies, we can also invest our efforts in OTS products or build a partner ecosystem—opportunities that are abundant in the post-COVID era. Quite a few start-ups are struggling for funds and looking for partnerships with successful digital solution providers. Cyient can support them and contribute to their growth with Digital Twins and Intelligent Data Conflation.

What is also noteworthy is that digital technology is at an inflection point in terms of growth, and the competition to drive greater innovation will only get more intense from here. As an experienced engineering organization, we must seek the right talent pools and keep up with targeted digital initiatives and frameworks to truly win the race.

Participation of women in digital transformation

Diversity and inclusion are critical in technology companies where men have traditionally overshadowed women. It is heartening to see that as an equal opportunity employer, Cyient gives women plenty of opportunities to play decisive roles in digitalization, analytics, and other tech-rich assignments. We at Cyient believe that women who enter this dynamic field are setting a fine example to others, and they can also go on to join the C-suite at technology firms.

From STEM graduates to ICT specialists, women can identify real-world problems for businesses and develop bespoke solutions to address them. By adding more women to the workforce for digital technology projects, companies can do more than fulfill the need for talent—they can hire individuals who demonstrate high levels of engagement and ambition both in their personal and professional lives.

Organizations should also have frameworks to analyze existing gender diversity issues and track career pipeline stages in terms of recruitment, retention, advancement, and representation, including in senior leadership roles. This will ensure better job satisfaction and reduce attrition.

Indeed, organizations must strive to leave gender stereotypes and prejudices behind. The idea is to fuel digital transformation for sustainable development, and those organizations that have equitable distribution of roles for women and men are sure to become more innovative and resilient in the long run.

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